Southeast Area Elementary School


Chicago, Illinois


Public Building Commission of Chicago / CPS


SMNG A (Schroeder Murchie Niemiec Gazda-Auskalnis Architects, Ltd.)


  • The school include:
  • 44 academic classrooms
  • 2 computer labs
  • 3 science classrooms
  • 3 art/science classrooms
  • 2 music rooms
  • Kitchen and dining facilities
  • Gymnasium
  • Library
  • Playground area
  • Administrative suite.


New Construction of an 111,000 square foot, 1,200 student, 3-story elementary school. The building construction is concrete and steel frame over spread concrete footings and an exterior envelope consisting of cold formed steel studs and masonry veneer. Site improvements comprising of a new parking lot for 51 cars, storm water management improvements, new sidewalks at south and northeast of parking lot and main property and new vehicular drive at west edge of property.